Positive Intention
This entire blog is under the umbrella of positive intention. Some time ago, I began to understand the power of my own intention with not only my writing, but every interaction I experience. For this section, I wanted to share some insight to my intention.
I write to share insights, ideas, and resources. My hope is that you will find my writing as a source of encouragement, inspiration, and hopefully a little humor. I maintain the theme of increasing well-being through intentional Love, Understanding, Compassion, and Kindness. This blog is my own living reminder that LUCK is not something that just happens. It is intentional, it is abundant, and it is always possible.
As I grow in my own awareness and understanding, I become more comfortable with the knowledge that not everyone will receive my ideas, thoughts, or perspective with a positive intention. It is not about being arrogant in thinking that everyone will always the spirit in which something was spoken, shared, or otherwise communicated. It is simply about staying to true to my intention and being honest if I become distracted or motivated by ego or insecurity instead of love and hopefulness.
Positive intention is powerful, however, it is not meant to excuse hurt or disregard beliefs that I don’t agree or even understand. My intention is always to uplift, inspire, encourage, and empower. My writing begins with intention, but the pulse and life of it will continue with engagement which allows for openness, honesty, forgiveness, humility, and understanding.