Pause. Breathe. Repeat.

  Posted On:  April 19, 2013

I have a dear friend Ann who lives in another state and I try to see her as often as possible.  Her husband, Jim, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s a few years ago .  During one visit, I had planned a surprise birthday party for Ann and managed to get most of the family there for

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The power of hope is stronger than the turmoil of worry

  Posted On:  April 16, 2013

When is the last time someone asked you, “What are you hoping for?”  And how often do we spend time thinking about our hopes and dreams?  I say things all the time like, “I’m hoping for a quiet day today” or “I hope traffic isn’t backed up this morning.”  But I don’t really think about what

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Being creative

  Posted On:  April 7, 2013

I can spend days (and even weeks) sometimes and wonder if I am ever going to feel inspired to get creative again.  Then, like a rushing creek, I am flooded with ideas around me.  For instance, I went to an art festival with a friend this weekend and was reminded how much inspiration exists all

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Finding Happy

  Posted On:  April 5, 2013

What makes you happy?  What is it that makes your heart sing? Simple questions, right?  Well, maybe not for everyone.  If you don’t believe me, find a teenager or perpetual teenager (you know, the brooding adult who still blames everyone else for their problems), and ask them “what makes you truly happy?”  It makes sense;

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