
Love and Gratitude
Increasing your vocabulary: Write out all the words you associate with love. Make sure you have at least 10 words. For each word, write out a definition that you create then compare it to a dictionary definition then decide which one you like better. Then take each of your words and identify a person or experience that relates to that word.
Books Worth Reading
The Power of Intention
This book gives an incredible perspective about the power of identifying and setting your intention. It can be very helpful if you are feeling a little lost and confused about your current situation. It is wonderfully written and you will find sources of inspiration throughout the book.

Anything by Brene Brown
I know, I know….I just can’t pick only 1 of her books. Every book is stocked full of guidance, assurance, and practical tips to navigate a complex world. Okay, if I had to pick 1 to start with, I would say Gifts of Imperfection. It’s a fast read and she highlights some of the biggest barriers to our own success. Seriously, read her books and you will know what I’m talking about.
The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself
I wholeheartedly recommend this for anyone who is on a spiritual exploration and wants to be exposed to insight and contemplation to awaken their soul. This book is deep and it is glorious!

Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers
Because it’s funny AND it’s incredibly extensive information about how stress impacts our body. The author does an amazing job of presenting technical information with a sense of humor that keeps you learning more and more about your own body. Head’s up, it can get a little overwhelming as you realize how stress really gets to us, you may have to designate a certain amount of time to read through it each day (this is not a fast read but it’s totally worth it).
Other Cool Stuff
This is a place that you can really start exploring personal growth and even certified training as a well-being coach. Personally, I feel calmer just by clicking on their website. Very cool.
This is an equally cool site to explore the connection between our hearts and our brains and everything in between that is related to our sense of well-being. Plus they have amazing resources you can incorporate into your daily life.