The best gifts rarely come with receipts

  Posted On:  December 5, 2016

It’s time to go shopping and find all the best gifts for everyone!  As I get ready to brace for the crowds of people and navigate all the sales ads, I can’t help but think about my favorite gifts over the past few years.  The funny thing is that I can barely remember more than

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Unplug and open up

  Posted On:  March 25, 2014

Last week I arrived to a lunch meeting about 20 minutes early and decided to keep my phone in my jacket pocket instead of keeping myself preoccupied with the latest status updates on all of the social media sites.  As I sat there and took in my surroundings, it was astonishing the stories that I

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Presence for Presents

  Posted On:  November 29, 2013

I love the holidays.  I love anything that brings people together and nurtures connection with each other.  Unfortunately, a by-product of all this connection is the much dreaded gift exchanges and holiday purchases that sometimes overshadow the spirit of the season. This post is created in the spirit of including some presence in the presents of the season.  🙂

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What is your connection?

  Posted On:  June 9, 2013

What defines a connection? How do you know you have connected with someone or something and what does it feel like? And most importantly, how do you nurture these connections? Some people may define their connections in direct correlation with the number of friends they have on Facebook or how many followers they have on

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