Stop pursuing happiness and seize it right now

  Posted On:  December 9, 2016

It seems like we are infatuated with the idea of pursing happiness instead of the actual experience of it. We think about how happy we will be when it’s Friday, how much we are looking forward to our vacation, or how much better things will be when we get XYZ complete.  Little do we realize that

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The best gifts rarely come with receipts

  Posted On:  December 5, 2016

It’s time to go shopping and find all the best gifts for everyone!  As I get ready to brace for the crowds of people and navigate all the sales ads, I can’t help but think about my favorite gifts over the past few years.  The funny thing is that I can barely remember more than

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Lose interest in negativity

  Posted On:  November 9, 2014

I am amazed how much energy I have committed to negative people and their experiences.  I used to think that I toxic people were drawn to me for some reason. I would find myself completely worn out and thinking “Why is everyone around me so unhappy?”  And after a while, my frustration would get to

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Practicing acceptance

  Posted On:  October 5, 2014

In the spirit of happiness and a life of authenticity, the practice of acceptance is paramount.  Navigating self-acceptance is one of the more challenging aspects of my own well-being and I suspect for others as well.  The conflict arises when we are unable to accept where we are with emotional and spiritual development while simultaneously

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How do you experience happiness?

  Posted On:  July 20, 2014

  If we all can agree that one thing we want is to be happy, then the next question to ask is “How do you want to experience that happiness?”  Often we get caught up in this idea of things that will make us happy.  And most of the time those things are tied to

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Finding Happy

  Posted On:  April 5, 2013

What makes you happy?  What is it that makes your heart sing? Simple questions, right?  Well, maybe not for everyone.  If you don’t believe me, find a teenager or perpetual teenager (you know, the brooding adult who still blames everyone else for their problems), and ask them “what makes you truly happy?”  It makes sense;

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