Get unstuck and back to your path of well-being

  Posted On:  July 20, 2019

Have you ever had one of those days when you just feel stuck?  Maybe you are feeling a slight impulse for something different or maybe it’s a bigger impulse to change things up.  If you have noticed that your life isn’t matching up with what you want or feel that it should be, it’s time

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Presence for Presents

  Posted On:  November 29, 2013

I love the holidays.  I love anything that brings people together and nurtures connection with each other.  Unfortunately, a by-product of all this connection is the much dreaded gift exchanges and holiday purchases that sometimes overshadow the spirit of the season. This post is created in the spirit of including some presence in the presents of the season.  🙂

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Holiday check-up

  Posted On:  November 21, 2013

Who is ready for the holidays?!  If you just responded with an exasperated sigh or cringed as you read those words, this may be a good post for you. This time is mentally and physically exhausting all by itself, so why not consider doing a quick mental health check-up before you find yourself wanting to call

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Letting go

  Posted On:  May 17, 2013

The hardest thing I may never truly master in my life is the art of letting go.  I have this idea that letting go is simple yet when the moment comes, I can be at a total loss. If I wrote out all of the things in my life I have chosen to let go

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Take good care of yourself…be kind

  Posted On:  April 12, 2013

I have a job that tends to have an endless source of vicarious trauma.  I work with vulnerable youth and bear witness to their joy, pain, and sorrow.  And I am often reminded of the stories that we all hold.   The pure resilience of the human spirit is never lost on me.  Most days

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Being creative

  Posted On:  April 7, 2013

I can spend days (and even weeks) sometimes and wonder if I am ever going to feel inspired to get creative again.  Then, like a rushing creek, I am flooded with ideas around me.  For instance, I went to an art festival with a friend this weekend and was reminded how much inspiration exists all

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