Why a journal entry can be so powerful.

  Posted On:  March 24, 2023

When someone tells you to take some time and journal about, what is your response?  Are you like, “Yeah, I can’t wait to do that!”  Or are you like most people who let out a sigh and think, “Eh, no thanks, I don’t really like to do that.” Maybe you don’t think it helps or

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How your phone can actually help your mental health.

  Posted On:  February 12, 2023

Usually when we look at our phone it can prompt a stress response. The emails, messages, shocking news, or tasks can cause our nervous system to instantly go into high alert. It’s time to shift that energy to something good and use our phone to help our mental health. We start by going to the

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This thing we call stress

  Posted On:  May 7, 2013

What is the stress in your life?  The actual definition of stress is an emotional strain on the body.  However, I think we tend to use the word like it’s a living thing instead of simply a reaction of our own thinking.  The reality is that we can’t bottle stress up and give it away,

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Learning how to practice patience…

  Posted On:  April 23, 2013

Practice patience.  That’s the inspiration card that hangs above my computer at work.  I stuck it there because I need that kind of ‘in your face’ reminder every day.  I often feel like I’m running around, trying to beat a clock somewhere only to find my patience dwindle and be replaced by an excessive supply of

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Pause. Breathe. Repeat.

  Posted On:  April 19, 2013

I have a dear friend Ann who lives in another state and I try to see her as often as possible.  Her husband, Jim, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s a few years ago .  During one visit, I had planned a surprise birthday party for Ann and managed to get most of the family there for

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